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Features of the documentation

 "Mathematica and Excel"

The documentation consists mainly of the following parts.

Data Exchange via Clipboard

  • You will learn how to exchange data, formula, charts, macro code etc. between Mathematica and Excel using the clipboard.

  • We will show you how to program a standalone palette. You will get a palette which transfers Mathematica table expressions to (separate) Excell cells and back. All you have to do is using Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V in Excel and pressing a palette button in Mathematica.

  • We will show you many examples of FrontEnd programming using NotebookPut, NotebookWrite, NotebookRead, ClipboardNotebook[], ...

  • We will use JLink to read the clipboard content and see the many different formats.


Data Exchange via Files

  • You will learn how to exchange data, formula, charts, macro code etc. between Mathematica and Excel using files. We show which format and file extension you should use in each case.

  • We will show why Import[...,"Table"] is not recommended and what you should do instead when reading Excel .csv files. Examples demonstrate that you have to pay attention with numbers.

  • We perform advanced string and expression pattern matching.

  • We will study the .xls and .xml formats. We will construct in Mathematica an .xml file following the XMLSS specification.

  • We will write a macro in Excel to export a chart as .jpg and .gif file.


Controlling Excel using .NETLink

  • We will show how to use .NETLink, to call COM from Mathematica, get an interop assembly, load the Excel functions and use them extensively.

  • We will give many examples illustrating how to start Excel, how to add workbooks and worksheets, how to set tabular values and create charts in Excel from Mathematica so that you could use Mathematica as a development environment for Excel.

  • We give many links and show you how to find and use the information in the net, the Visual Basic Editor and elsewhere.